The Ripley County Economic Development Corporation (RCEDC) invites you to explore the business opportunities that await you.
Ripley County is located in the southeast portion of Indiana. Our location allows an excellent opportunity for transporting finished goods and supplies.
The northern boundary of the county parallels Interstate 74, while US 50 crosses through the southern boundary, leaving you 35 minutes from Interstate 65. Heading east leaving you 35 minutes from Interstate 275.
242 Miles
295 Miles
338 Miles
289 Miles
332 Miles
375 Miles
375 Miles
Core Services
Ways the Ripley County Economic Development Can Help Your Business
1. Business Recruitment, Retention and Expansion
– Existing industry services
– Site Assessment Program
– Targeted industry support
– Research services: competitive benchmarking, building and site inventory, economic activity and trends.
2. Marketing and Public Relations
– Targeted industry marketing
– National storytelling campaign
– Social and digital media
– Marketing collateral and publications
Trade shows and events
3. Support of Entrepreneurship
– Workforce development support
– Talent pipeline development support
– Relocation support
– Support and partner with organizations working to
advance the success of entrepreneurs and startup companies in the region
We Will Work With You On Any
Relocation Or Expansion Project
The RCEDC has a full-time economic development director on staff that will work with you on any expansion and/or relocation project and will also keep any information in the strictness of confidence.
Get in touch today.
220 E. US 50
PO Box 576
Versailles, IN 47042

RCEDC News & Updates
SEI READI issues two requests for proposals for READI 2.0 projects
First round of blight & redevelopment and arts & culture projects due June 21, 2024 (Southeast Indiana) – SEI READI, Inc. today announced the opening of two requests for proposals [...]
Request for Project Information
SEI READI Inc. is in the process of preparing a Regional Growth and Development Strategy for the six county region that includes Dearborn, Franklin, Ohio, Ripley, Switzerland and Union Counties. [...]
With the announcement of READI 2.0, SEI READI is seeking input on regional conditions and needs to guide the development of a refined strategic investment strategy. To gather information SEI [...]
SEI READI – Milan Street Lights Project
In 2020 the Town of Milan utilized the Community Crossing grant to pave the Downtown section of Carr Street with intentions of phasing the overall project to install sidewalks and [...]
SEI READI Supports Sunman Sewer Extension
The land around the I-74 and SR 101 Interchange development are very limited due to the lack of sanitary sewer infrastructure. Sewer service is essential to the development of this [...]
SEI READI – Town of Versailles Project
SEI READI and Ripley County Economic Development was honored to be a part of getting the funding for the Town of Versailles. We cannot wait to see the completed project. [...]